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Transcending-self therapy

Transcending-self therapy (TST) is a novel treatment approach for various mental health problems, such as substance abuse and depression. It is based on integrative-cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which aims to help clients identify and change unhealthy thinking and behavioural patterns. However, transcending-self therapy also goes beyond CBT by incorporating elements of spirituality, connection, and passion. In this article, we will explain the main principles and components of transcending-self therapy, and how it can benefit clients who are seeking to overcome their challenges and find meaning in their lives.

TST helps clients to identify and modify their unhealthy thoughts and behaviours, while also fostering their connection with others and their pursuit of a meaningful goal that aligns with their moral values or spiritual beliefs. TST can be delivered in individual or group sessions, depending on the client’s needs and preferences.

One of the main concepts of TST is self-transcendence, which refers to the ability to go beyond one’s self-interest and ego and relate to something greater than oneself. This can be a higher power, a social cause, a natural phenomenon, or anything else that gives a sense of purpose and belonging. self-transcendence can enhance one’s wellbeing, resilience, and coping skills, as well as reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. TST aims to facilitate self-transcendence by helping clients to explore their values, passions, and strengths, and to apply them in their daily lives.

Transcending-self therapy at work

A Transcending-self therapy session is a type of therapy that aims to help clients overcome mental health problems by changing their thoughts and behaviours, and by connecting with something greater than themselves. self-transcendence is the realization that one is a part of a larger whole, whether it is humanity, nature, the universe, or a divine power. self-transcendence can enhance wellbeing and help cope with increased vulnerability, such as ageing, illness, or loss.

In a Transcending-self therapy session, the therapist and the client work together to identify and modify unhealthy thinking and behavioural patterns that contribute to the client’s distress. The therapist also helps the client develop skills such as problem-solving, coping, goal setting, and communication. Additionally, the therapist encourages the client to explore their values, passions, and moral compass, and to find ways to engage in activities that align with them. The therapist also supports the client in cultivating a sense of spirituality, if desired by the client.

A Transcending-self therapy session can be delivered in an individual or a group format, depending on the client’s needs and preferences. The session can last from four to twenty sessions, depending on the severity of the client’s problems and their progress. The session can be adapted to various mental health issues, such as substance abuse, depression, anxiety, or trauma.

Transcending-self therapy use cases

Some examples of people who have used transcending-self therapy to achieve transcendence are:

  • A woman who suffered from depression and low self-esteem after a divorce. She enrolled in a transcending-self therapy group and learned to meditate, practice gratitude, and cultivate compassion. She reported feeling more peaceful, joyful, and connected to others and to a higher power.
  • A man who was addicted to drugs and alcohol and had a history of violence and crime. He was referred to a transcending-self therapy program by his probation officer and agreed to participate. He engaged in activities such as yoga, mindfulness, and service work. Furthermore, he said he felt a sense of purpose, meaning, and forgiveness for himself and others.
  • A teenager who was bullied at school and had suicidal thoughts. She found a transcending-self therapy online community and joined their chat sessions and webinars. Furthermore, she learned to cope with her negative emotions, challenge her limiting beliefs, and express her creativity. She claimed she experienced a sense of awe, wonder, and love for life.
Further Reading

If you are interested in learning more about transcending-self therapy, a new integrative-cognitive behavioural therapy-based treatment for mental health problems, including substance abuse and depression, you may find the following weblinks useful. They provide information on the theory, practice, and evidence of this approach, as well as some examples and exercises.

Transcending Self Therapy: This is the official website of transcending-self therapy, where you can find manuals, workbooks, sample lessons, and videos about the treatment. The URL is

What is self-transcendence? Definition and 6 Examples (+PDF): This is an article from Positive Psychology that explains the concept of self-transcendence and how it can be achieved. It also provides some examples of self-transcendent people and activities. The URL is

About – Transcending Self Therapy: This is a page from the transcending-self therapy website that gives an overview of the treatment and its goals. It also describes the four-session individual therapy format and the 20-session group therapy format. The URL is

Transcending self therapy: Four-session individual integrative cognitive behavioural treatment (Individual TST-I-CBT) for a combat veteran with alcohol use disorder and PTSD: This is a case study published in PubMed that demonstrates the effectiveness of transcending-self therapy for a male combat veteran with substance abuse and PTSD. It shows how the treatment helped him enter recovery and reduce depressive symptoms. The URL is

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